Delhi University’s second cut-offs list(21-06-11)

As expected, a number of sought after colleges of Delhi University closed admissions to the popular B Com (Hon) and Economics (Hons) courses for general category students today after recording admissions in excess of sanctioned seats over the last four days. However, for OBC students seats were still available in almost all top notch colleges that brought out their second cut off lists on Monday.

Interpol lists Karachi as Dawood’s home(20-06-11)

New Delhi: Dawood Ibrahim’s city of residence is Pakistan’s Karachi. The present location of the India’s most wanted man is given under the section, UN Security Council Special Notice, on the Interpol website. This certifies India’s claim that the perpetrator of the 1993 Mumbai blasts has been living in Pakistan.

According to the website, Dawood has two homes in Karachi. As per the information, the first address is White House, near Saudi Mosque, Clifton, Karachi and the other is House Number 37, 3th Street, Defence Housing Authority, Karachi.

Amongst the places of issuance of Dawood’s passport, the website lists the cities of Bombay, Rawalpindi, Karachi, Dubai and Jeddah.

The Interpol has informed that the Don is wanted by the Interpol and has been slapped by UN sanctions pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1267 (1999) and successor resolutions, including resolution 1822 (2008). It further informs that the subject is under the following UN Sanctions, that is, freezing of assets, travel ban and arms embargo. It also lists that Dawood has the following permanent reference number on the list maintained by the UN Security Council Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee (1267 Committee) which appears in the Special Notice for the subject, QI.K.135.03.

The Don’s present family name has been given as Kaskar, while his forename has been given as Dawood Ibrahim. His date of birth has been given as December 26, 1955, which makes him 55 years old and his place of birth has been given as Ratnagiri, India. The colour of his eyes and hair is black and his distinguished mark and characteristic is a mole on the left eyebrow.

The international arrest warrant issued by the Government of India has been categorised as additional information. According to the Interpol website, he is supposed to speak three languages, English, Hindi and Urdu and his nationality has been outlined as India.

Interestingly, Dawood has been listed to have more than 20 aliases like Abdul Hamid Abdul Aziz, Anis Ibrahim, Aziz Ibrahim, Daud Hasan and Dawood Hasan to name a few. And in his other places of birth, Bombay has been named.

Dawood tops the Mumbai police’s list of most wanted criminals and is among the top fugitives that India has been asking Pakistan to extradite for years now. Leave alone deporting Dawood, Pakistan has been in a state of denial regarding the Don and refuses to acknowledge his presence in their country.

Dawood Ibrahim is the head of the notorious D Company and is said to have a vast underworld empire dealing with illegal activities. He is alleged to have masterminded and financed the 1993 Mumbai bombings in connivance with Pakistan’s ISI. He escaped to UAE from India and to Pakistan thereon. It must be noted that more than 200 people were killed in the 13 serial bomb blasts that shook the financial capital of India in 1993.  

sources: zee news

kanimozhi-refused-bail-karunanidhi-to-meet-her-in-jail-tomorrow- (20-06-11)

New Delhi:  DMK President M Karunanidhi is likely to fly to Delhi tomorrow to meet his daughter, Kanimozhi, who was refused bail by the Supreme Court today. Kanimozhi was arrested on May 20 in connection with the 2G telecom scam. However, she has been given the right to go back to the special court that's trying the telecom scam, and apply for bail under a provision that allows for "leniency for women, children and old people in matters of bail."

Her lawyer pleaded in court today, "'Put CCTV camera in her house if you like. Impose any condition. But why should she be deprived of her son's company?"

The CBI has placed serious charges against Kanimozhi - it says she conspired with fellow DMK leader A Raja to accept a kickback worth Rs. 214 crore in the telecom scam. Mr Raja was arrested in February for masterminding the scam. He stands accused of selling mobile network licences and spectrum at a pittance in 2008 to companies that he colluded with. One of those companies - Swan - allegedly repaid him by routing a Rs. 214-crore cheque through a series of companies. The money was deposited with Kalaignar TV, a Tamil channel in Chennai co-owned by Kanimozhi.

Two courts - a special court set up to try the 2G scam and the Delhi High Court - have rejected bail for Kanimozhi in the last few weeks. The High Court cited her "political clout" and expressed concerns that she may be able to influence witnesses if she is freed. The judge of the 2G trial court had observed, "Much as I would want to show her consideration on the grounds that she's a woman, and the fact that she has conducted herself with great dignity in court, considering the magnitude of the offence she's been charged with, the character of evidence on record and the possibility of the accused tampering with evidence and influencing witnesses, the bail plea is dismissed."  These grounds for refusing bail were described as "untenable" by the Supreme Court today.

To try again for bail in the special 2G court, Kanimozhi will have to wait till charges are formally framed against her and others in the 2G scam - that will happen after the CBI files its third chargesheet in the case, expected in early July. Kanimozhi was named in the second chargesheet along with Sharath Kumar, the Managing Director of her TV channel. The first chargesheet had deposited Mr Raja and senior executives from some of India's biggest telecoms in jail.

Her lawyers have argued that Kanimozhi was not an active decision-maker in the financial and other affairs of Kalaignar TV - a stand the CBI has opposed. Kanimozhi's lawyers argued that she should get bail because she is a woman, and because she needs to look after her young son because her husband works abroad.

The 2G scam - reported to be India's largest-ever swindle and price-tagged at Rs. 1.76 lakh crore by the government's auditor - has seriously undermined the government's credibility and its claims that it is working hard to check corruption. Since September last year, a series of scams have proved that politicians, bureaucrats and often industrialists conspired to rook India with rough-hewn financial conspiracies.

The spotlight on Kanimozhi has also cast a long shadow over the alliance between the Congress and her father, M Karunanidhi, who heads the DMK.
The DMK has six Union ministers and 18 Lok Sabha MPs, making it a heavyweight in the UPA coalition at the Centre which is headed by the Congress.


CPI to meet PM on alleged violence against Left (20-06-11)

NEW DELHI: CPI would soon meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to demand a halt to alleged attacks on Left leaders, their houses and party offices in West Bengal.
CPI General Secretary A B Bardhan said here today that after the assembly elections, 14 Left leaders have been killed, "hundreds of party offices captured forcibly" and Left activists were being threatened to leave their parties and elected positions.
Briefing journalists after a two-day meeting of the party's National Council here, he said CPI would meet the Prime Minister soon and take up the issue with him. The party would also demand restoration of peace and democracy in the state.
A delegation of Left parties had recently met Banerjee in Kolkata urging her to take steps to stop the violence and take action against the culprits.
"The Chief Minister had assured the delegation that she will take steps. But the criminal activities are still continuing. Nothing has stopped", Bardhan said.
"We will soon meet the Prime Minister and urge him to take all necessary steps to put a halt to this political violence. CPI demands that West Bengal government restore peace and democratic rights in the state", he said.
Besides killing of top leaders and cadres, he alleged several party and mass organisation offices have been "captured by Trinamool Congress goons and the red flag burnt down". Thousands of Left supporters have been "driven out of their hearths and homes while share-croppers and holders of land 'pattas' are being forcefully evicted from their land.

‘Terrorism focus of talks with Pakistan(20-06-11)

NEW DELHI: Terrorism will be the "central point" of New Delhi's agenda when the Indian and Pakistani foreign secretaries meet in Islamabad Thursday, External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna said Monday, adding that India will also take up the issue of Lashkar-e-Taiba operative David Coleman Headley's revelations about the terror links of Pakistan's spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).
He admitted at the same time that incidents like the confrontation at sea between a Pakistani and an Indian naval warship could become an irritant in the talks.
"Of course, terrorism is the central point of our interaction with Pakistan," Krishna told reporters before leaving for Myanmar on a three-day visit.
Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao will be in Islamabad June 23-25 for talks with her Pakistani counterpart Salman Bashir.
"This menace (of terrorism) has to be dealt with firmly and in a transparent manner for the common good of India and Pakistan and the region beyond," Krishna said.
But he underlined that "in the kind of talks we are going to be involved with, patience is something to be called for".
Krishna also asserted that India will raise the issue of Headley's revelations during the foreign secretaries' meeting.
"Whatever Headley has revealed under oath in a court of law in Chicago, would be relevant for the government of India to take up with Pakistan and then try to get Pakistan's response to that. Well, that certainly will be taken up with Pakistan," Krishna said.
Headley, who has pleaded guilty to his role in the Mumbai terror attack, claimed that the ISI and LeT separately gave him identical instructions to scout Mumbai locations to be attacked.
Besides, the two foreign secretaries are expected to talk on various subjects, including the Kashmir dispute.
"We have to be patient, realistic and positive. As Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said on more than one occasion, peace and prosperity of South Asia is interlinked," Krishna said.
The minister sounded unhappy over the recent brush between an Indian and a Pakistani warship in the Gulf of Aden.
Pakistan says that its PNS Babar was escorting to Oman an Egyptian carrier freed by Somali pirates June 14 when INS Godavari came dangerously close by. The incident led Pakistan to protest -- and India to deny the accusation.
"It is not desirable that such instances (take place)... On one hand, we are trying to improve our relationship, on other hand, such solitary instance takes place which become cause for irritant for the talks.
"If there is any misunderstanding between the two countries on this score, I think it is necessary to sort them out," he said.
Krishna also expressed frustration at the pace of the trial in Pakistan against some masterminds of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack
"Our trial (of sole surviving terrorist Ajmal Kasab) has concluded and an appeal is pending before the Supreme Court. And virtually, their trial has not even started. I think examination of witness has begun yet. It is a sad commentary on what is happening there," he said.
Krishna added that India has been constantly raising this point with Pakistan.
"Whatever occasion we get, we always convey that it is necessary that the trial should be hastened. The process should become quicker and the people who are involved in the heinous crime against Mumbai and India should be brought to justice," the foreign minister said.
Krishna added that India will also keep "pursuing" the extradition of Indian nationals taking refuge in Pakistan, including underworld don Dawood Ibrahim.
On the reported talks with Taliban, Krishna reasserted that this should be within the "redlines" prescribed by the international community.


US Student visa program: New rules, same problems: june 20

Jackson, Mississippi:  The State Department is publicly acknowledging that one of its most popular exchange programs leaves foreign college students vulnerable to exploitation, but it's unclear if new regulations the agency is pushing will do enough to stop the abuses.
The revised rules aim to shift more responsibility onto the 53 entities the department designates official sponsors in the J-1 Summer Work Travel Program. Historically, many sponsors have farmed out those duties to third-party contractors, making the sponsors "mere purveyors of J-1 visas," according to the State Department's proposed new rules published this spring in the Federal Register.
Federal auditors have criticized the department for years for depending on sponsors, some of whom make millions of dollars off J-1 students, to oversee the program and investigate complaints. Yet the new regulations would require little or no direct oversight by State Department employees, leaving sponsors free to continue policing themselves and their partners.
The changes are to take effect July 15, too late for thousands of students already in the country for another season of cleaning hotel rooms, waiting tables and working checkout counters.
Students visiting under J-1 visas make ideal victims since they are here temporarily and may not know how to seek help. An Associated Press investigation published six months ago found that many participants paid thousands of dollars to come to the US, only to learn the jobs they were promised didn't exist. Some had to share beds in crowded houses or apartments, charged so much for lodging and transportation that they took home no pay. Others turned to the sex industry, while some sought help from homeless shelters.
In posting the proposed new rules, State Department officials detailed problems that largely mirrored the AP's findings, then blamed lack of oversight by the sponsors, and expressed confidence the changes will help clean up the program.
A review of the new regulations shows they have few teeth, however. While the changes spell out how sponsors are to vet third-party brokers and how often they are to touch base with visiting students, the rules are vague on how vigorously the State Department will check to verify those duties are done. The department will conduct a spot check of the biggest sponsors -- but the agency has a little more than a dozen employees who keep track of this and other foreign exchange programs, which handle more than 300,000 participants, according to the Economic Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank that plans to publish a report on the program.
While the State Department acknowledged that housing and living conditions have been a problem, there's nothing in the new regulations that addresses oversight of those issues. The revised policies also contain no mention of penalties if sponsors are found lacking.
State Department spokesman John Fleming said rules already on the books allow sanctions ranging from written reprimands to revocation of sponsors' designations.
But the department also acknowledged that no Summer Work Travel sponsor has ever been removed from the program for its treatment of students, despite years of complaints of exploitation and deplorable living and working conditions, according to documents obtained by the AP. And only a few sponsors have ever been reprimanded, according to the State Department.
"You can have all the rules and the regulations in the world, but if you don't have enforcement, the rules are worthless. They're not worth the paper they're written on," said George Collins, an Okaloosa County, Fla., sheriff's inspector who has been complaining to the State Department for 10 years about the problems.
Prompted in part by the AP project and by complaints from visiting students, the House Judiciary Committee's immigration subcommittee had planned a hearing on the program on Wednesday, but the hearing was postponed.
The J-1 visa program allows foreign college students to live and work in the United States for four months. It brought more than 130,000 men and women to the United States last year alone.
Participation has increased dramatically over the last decade, but so have the problems. In one of the worst cases unearthed by the AP, at least two J-1 students from Ukraine were beaten and forced to work in strip clubs in Detroit. One said she was raped by her captors.
"This is a dangerous program because the State Department has outsourced its oversight role to the program sponsors and employers who hire the participants," said Daniel Costa, an immigration policy analyst who is working on a report on the program for the Economic Policy Institute.
State Department officials insist the "safety and well-being of all J-1 exchange participants is our top priority."
The new regulations also promise closer scrutiny of participants from several nations, including Belarus, Bulgaria and Russia, that are "known sources of the types of criminal activity that the State Department wishes to avoid," according to the Federal Register. Students have been used to launder money stolen from US banks, and women forced into the sex industry through the J-1 program often come from Eastern Europe.
The State Department, again shifting blame, said in the Federal Register that it wanted to publish the proposed rules changes sooner but waited after sponsors complained they had already signed contracts to provide workers this season to resorts and other employers.
"Inadequacies in US sponsors' vetting and monitoring procedures contribute to potentially dangerous or unwelcomed situations for these participants," the State Department said in the Federal Register. "This past summer the Department received a significantly increased number of complaints from foreign governments, program participants, their families, concerned American citizens."
Yet the AP found that while law enforcement and others had complained to the State Department for years about abuse in the J-1 program, the agency didn't start tracking complaints until late last year -- after the AP asked for the documents in a Freedom of Information Act request.
The AP investigation found abuse of hundreds of students in more than a dozen states. More recently, the AP obtained emails between several Thai students and their sponsoring organization, the International YMCA, based in New York. The emails said 12 foreign students were each paying $400 a month -- a total of $4,800-- to live in the Florida Panhandle in a mobile home infested with cockroaches and rodents.
The Thai students complained to US Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla., saying they were afraid of a third-party labor broker, Ivan Lukin, who arranged for their housing and jobs. They said Lukin threatened them with deportation when they complained, and that the State Department and the International YMCA did little to help them.
"We are afraid of Mr. Lukin and fear for our personal safety, but the YMCA has dismissed our concerns, even after we have informed them of our fears," one of the students wrote to Miller.
When the AP asked about Lukin, the State Department said in an email the agency cuts ties with people or businesses that violate established procedures. Yet Florida police warned the State Department as far back as 2007 that Lukin was subjecting students to crowded living conditions in violation of housing codes, according to emails obtained by the AP. There also were concerns the students weren't being paid.
Lukin declined to comment about the allegations. He said he would only answer questions by email. The AP sent him questions, but he didn't respond.
At first, the YMCA said "a small number of participants from Thailand who Lukin had placed" complained to the State Department and the Thai embassy, rather than with the YMCA, and that those complaints "were not related to health or safety issues."
When the AP produced an email to the YMCA showing the students complained about their health and safety, it agreed there were problems and said it would look into the situation.
"We take the students' allegations very seriously and have asked outside consultants to undertake an independent and comprehensive investigation so that we can fully determine the facts," said Ellen Murphy, the Y's spokeswoman.
That includes an "immediate and comprehensive review of the International's Y's dealings with Lukin," she said.
The State Department is accepting public comments on the proposed rule changes through June 27.


Cross-voting dominates BJP executive committee meet:june 20

The two-day meeting of the executive committee of the state BJP,which concluded here today failed to revive the shattered confidence of party workers as the cross-voting episode overshadowed all other issues.
Though the party passed a few resolutions, a majority of the leaders present at the meeting said it was a lacklustre excercise.
“During the meeting, the party workers did not show any interest in participating in any discussion as their confidence in the leadership has been shattered after the cross-voting episode,” a senior BJP leader told The Tribune.
He said when a resolution was moved to condemn the UPA government on the corruption issue, a few party workers stood up and tried to draw the attention of the leaders to allegations that the BJP legislators had taken a huge amount for voting for National Conference (NC) and Congress candidates in the Legislative Council elections.
A few workers even blamed those who had been given a clean chit by the high command in the cross-voting controversy and said the “clean” MLAs had also lost the faith of the people.
Keeping in view the anger among the party workers, national leaders skipped the meeting.
“Usually, the general secretary in charge of the party affairs attends the state executive committee meeting to decide the future course of action, but this time, not a single senior leader turned up,” said an activist. He said neither the state unit nor the high command was in a position to revive the BJP as the local leaders had lost the confidence of the people of the region.
Instead of deputing the general secretary,the party high command sent the organising secretary,Ram Lal, who attended the meeting for an hour.
He assured the workers that action would be taken against those who voted for the NC and the Congress candidates.In his address, he repeatedly mentioned the cross-voting episode but failed to convince the workers, sources said.“Some workers tried to raise questions, but he left the meeting,saying that he has to go back”, the sources added.

3000 Intoxicant capsules recoverd,Drug peddlers held

Jammu, June 20:In its continued drive against the drug menace, Kathua Police arrested two drug peddlers while huge quantity of intoxicant capsules (Parvan Spas) about 3000 besides two kilogram of poppy straw have been recovered from their possession. The illegal consignment is reportedly being supplied to the youths in the adjoining areas of the district.
The accused have been identified as Harjeet Singh @ Kaka S/O Pritam Singh Caste Sikh R/O W.No.14 Sawan Chack Kathua and Rangil Singh @ Rangila S/O Balbir Singh Caste Sikh R/O W.No.13 Kathua
Reports revealed that Police while on patrolling near Sawan Chack Canal nabbed one Harjeet Singh @ Kaka S/O Pritam Singh Caste Sikh R/O W.No.14 Sawan Chack Kathua and recovered 02 Kgs. Poppy Straw from his possession and recovered 3000 Nos. Parvan Spas Capsules from one Rangil Singh @ Rangila S/O Balbir Singh Caste Sikh R/O W.No.13 Kathua. On this a Case FIR No.200/2011 U/S 8/15/21/22 NDPS Act has been registered at P/S Kathua against the arrested accused. The arrested persons have been put for questioning to st ruck up further clues and are under the custody of Police Station.

Maya's police has blood on its hands june 20

TARANNUM, 40, sits forlornly in her hut. She intones: “A mother knows her child’s body best. My daughter’s toes and soles had bloodstains, her neck was bruised by nail marks. Before killing her, the police definitely violated her.”

When TEHELKA reached the Nighasan Police Station, Sonam’s second post-mortem report had just come in. After a dodgy claim earlier that she died of asphyxia, the second report admits she was murdered but is silent on rape.

The alleged sexual assault and murder of Sonam, 13, on 10 June at the police station in Lakhimpur district created a huge political furore despite UP Police pulling out all stops to suppress the truth. First, they got three doctors from the district hospital to fudge the autopsy report. The report claimed Sonam had committed suicide.

Why would a 13-year-old go to a police station to kill herself? This illogical story forced the BSP government to order a second post-mortem by a team of doctors from Lucknow. This revealed that Sonam was strangled.

The girl’s parents, Tarannum and Intezar Ali, a dailywager, were offered 5 lakh to buy their silence. The cops also intimidated the villagers, with the result that nobody was willing to testify. After much prodding, however, a village woman who had been grazing her goats near the police station at the time of the incident managed to reveal a little. Her version seconded Tarannum’s story that the “girl was molested and her private parts bruised”.
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'Kashmir issue can be resolved through dialogue june 20

ISLAMABAD: The Kashmir issue can be resolved through "dialogue and negotiations" and war is not a solution to disputes, Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has said.
Gilani said that Pakistan wants to have good relations with its neighbours and stressed that war was not a solution to disputes, Associated Press of Pakistan reported.
The prime minister was addressing a public meeting at Shakargah city in Punjab province Sunday.
He said he had many times met Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and told him that all bilateral issues, including Kashmir, could be resolved through dialogue and not through war.
The prime minister said: "Pakistan wants a permanent and lasting solution to the Kashmir issue through dialogue and negotiations."
Agency : IANS

Breaking news Supreme court rejected kanimozhi bail :june 20

A special Supreme Court bench on Monday rejected the bail plea of DMK MP Kanimozhi in the 2G spectrum scam and directed her to go back to the trial court. DMK chief M Karunanidhi's 43-year-old daughter Kanimozhi has been in jail for almost a month. Kanimozhi and Kumar have been acc us o be involved in the illegal transaction of Rs 200 crore to Kalaignar TV which was alleged to be a bribe given by a telecom operator which had benefited in the scam.
The CBI in its affidavit filed in the apex court opposed their bail pleas on the ground that if released, they could tamper with evidence and influence witnesses.
Earlier two judges - P Sathasivam and AK Patnaik - before whom the matter was listed had recused themselves from the high-profile case.
Instead, Justice Singhvi, whose bench has been monitoring the case, will on Monday hold a special hearing along with Justice B S Chauhan to decide the bail.
According to informed sources, Justice P Sathasivam and Justice AK Patnaik conveyed their decision to recuse to Chief Justice SH Kapadia, following which he constituted another bench.
Opposing the bail plea, the probe agency contended in its affidavit that Kanimozhi and Kumar were key conspirators and Rs 200 crore transferred to Kalaignar TV was part of the "bribe" amount and not a loan as claimed by the accused.
The central agency submitted the special CBI court and later the Delhi high court carefully evaluated material evidence and other factors to refuse bail to them.
The apex court had on June 13 agreed to hear their bail plea and asked CBI to explain where the Rs 200 crore, allegedly diverted to DMK-owned Kalaignar TV in 2G scam, has gone and also to file a response on their bail pleas in a week's time.
The court had also asked CBI to come out with a status report on the loss to the state exchequer due to the award of 13 licences to one of the telecom operators and trial proceedings in the CBI special court.
Kanimozhi and Kumar had moved the apex court seeking bail on June 10 challenging the Delhi high court verdict that rejected their bail on the ground that they have strong political connections and the possibility of them influencing witnesses cannot be ruled out.

Another rape case in UP june 20

A 35-year-old woman was allegedly gang-raped and later set afire by three youths in Etah district, the third case of rape in Uttar Pradesh in the last two days.

The woman, a widow, was allegedly raped and set on fire by three youths belonging to an influential family in Sabhapur village when she was alone in her house along with her two minor children, police said.

Though no FIR had been lodged yet, Senior Superintendent of Police Laxmi Narain said that a written complaint has been lodged by the victim's brother-in-law Anil in this connection.

However, station house officer of Nidhauli Narendra Pal Singh ruled out rape and murder and said the woman had committed suicide.

The victim's brother Virseh said, "Five persons first tried to strangulate my sister and then raped her. Since my sister recognised them, they doused her with kerosene and set her ablaze. When she was nearly dead, they left the spot."

This is the third rape case reported in the state in the last two days.

A dalit girl was stabbed in the eyes allegedly by two youths when she resisted a rape attempt in Kannauj on Saturday.

In another incident, an 18-year-old dalit girl was allegedly raped by a youth in Ranipur Beladi village in Basti.

Satti Singh allegedly raped the girl at gun point on Saturday night.

The rising numbers of rape cases have triggered protests by opposition parties in the state.

The Congress has slammed the Mayawati government over the law and order situation in the state saying it had lost its moral right to continue after such incidents.

"Mayawati should be ashamed. People expected more from a woman chief minister but she doesn't have a word of sympathy," state Congress chief Rita Bahuguna Joshi had said.

But an unfazed Mayawati government said there is no breakdown of law and order in the state and stern and prompt action was being taken against the culprits.
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