Plus and minus of Baba Ram Dev's agitation

Now when Baba Ram Dev has ended his fast on the request and persuasion of some prominent religious and social leaders, while declaring that his agitation against corruption will continue, it is time for introspection for the Yoga Guru and his ardent supporters. The plus and minus of the nine day exercise and the events related to it need reviewed dispassionately.
That Baba Ram Dev's objective was laudable and the sincerity about his deep concern for corruption and black money and earnestness to tackle the same is not in doubt at all. His dedication and commitment to the national unity, and resolve to imbibe strong nationalism and patriotism among the people in India, with the objective to revive the glory of Bharat is remarkable. He has launched the crusade against corruption and resorted to indefinite fast for the purpose was genuine. Nevertheless there were certain miss calculation and error of judgment in carrying on the agitation, including his fast. Ending the indefinite fast without making the Govt to accept his demands has some what dented his credibility and also created some confusion among his supporters. This is particularly so when his detractors and opponents are all out to malign his image, calling his agitation and fast a drama. The other crusader against corruption, Anna Hazare is right to some extent in stating that Baba Ram Dev is little immature in the matter of social activities. The Baba needs some good and mature advisors and associates in the social field and in dealing with the Govt. which has many crafty and even cunning persons. The Baba should not take vital decisions unilaterally. But he should consult with his core group. He must have a team of second rung leadership to carry on the agitation in case of his arrest or any other eventuality. His too much speaking and exerting during the course his fast, wasting much energy made him additionally weak and down after 7-8 days of his fast. He should have preserved his energy, by not speaking much, which could help his fast to prolong for more days without the sign of fatigue and weakness besides creating other health complicacies. Perhaps, he has over confidence in his inner strength and capacity. Further, his jumping from the dais to spare police action against him on the intervening mid night of June 4 and 5 has not gone well with people at large. It was not a dignified way for person of his stature, particularly a spiritual Preacher. He should have faced the police onslaught with more dignity.
Swami Ji's quick wit and ready made answers to the questions posed to him by the media as well as his answers to his critics are remarkable. Yet, as a Yogi and spiritual preacher, he should avoid retaliating and reacting with fury. As a Yogi he remained composed in every situation. This will enhance his respectability. He disarms his critics by weighty arguments, which is appreciably. But there should no impression of malice for any one on his part.

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